We offer a comprehensive suite of legal services to individuals and businesses in need of legal assistance. We strive to provide excellence in all of our practice areas, including immigration, citizenship, international family matters, and employment. Your case is important to us — read on to learn about our areas of expertise.

Employment Law
Our experienced Indonesian employment lawyers specialize in providing, ageneral advise in employment, employment contract drafting and review, company policy review, and company compliance support. We also have numerous experience in industrial relations dispute resolution.
Immigration Law
Our Indonesian immigration lawyers provide advice and assistance for a variety of immigration-related matters, including visa applications and extensions, permanent residence, deportation, employer immigration compliance, apostille and notarial legalization, police clearance certificate, and general legal advice in Indonesian immigration matters.
Our litigation practice at Tampubolon Legal Solutions also has experience across numerous industries and practice areas, including: commercial and business litigation, intellectual property and technology litigation, labor and employment litigation, shareholder derivative action, and state administrative litigation.
Citizenship Law
Our experienced Indonesian citizenhsip lawyers help our clients to undergo the naturalization process to become Indonesian citizen, guidance to renounce or regain Indonesian citizenship, and provide general legal advice in Indonesian nationality law and dual citizenship issues.
Family Law
Our Indonesian immigration lawyers provide advice and assistance for a variety of immigration-related matters, including visa applications and extensions, permanent residence, deportation, employer immigration compliance, apostille and notarial legalization, police clearance certificate, and general legal advice in Indonesian immigration matters.
Legal Consultation with Experts
DURATION: 20 - 30 Minutes.
RATE: IDR 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand Rupiah) to IDR 2,200,000 (two million two hundred thousand Rupiah) (after taxes).
20-30 minutes with legal experts, where you are free to ask any legal questions; and
a complimentary legal summary of the discussion.
Ask Simple Legal Questions
WHAT: Send us a maximum of 2 (two) legal questions (without document review) and you will get your legal answers by email within 24-48 hours. This service is perfect for clients who are looking for immediate and reliable legal guidance in writing.
RATE: IDR 1,000,000 (one million Rupiah) (inclusive of all taxes).
Not sure which services correspond to your needs?
Please leave us your contact information and details of your legal problem so we can get in touch with you shortly.