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How to get the Indonesian Immigration Certificate (SKIM)?

Updated: May 4, 2024

The Immigration Certificate or Surat Keterangan Keimigrasian ("SKIM") is a certificate issued by the immigration authorities in Indonesia.

This is arguably the most important document to be obtained by a foreigner who is undergoing a naturalization process to become an Indonesian citizen to prove that he or she has been staying in Indonesia for 5 (five) years consecutively or 10 (ten) years non-consecutively.

In this article, we will discuss about:

  • What is an Immigration Certificate or Surat Keterangan Keimigrasian (SKIM)?

  • Who can obtain the SKIM?

  • What documents are required to obtain the SKIM?

  • How to apply for SKIM?

  • How long does it take for the immigration authority to issue the SKIM?

  • What are the reasons for SKIM to be invalid or expired?

What is an Immigration Certificate or Surat Keterangan Keimigrasian (SKIM)?

The Immigration Certificate (SKIM) is an immigration document that proves the period of stay of a foreign citizen in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for 5 (five) consecutive years or 10 (ten) non-consecutive years.

This document is one of the requirements to become an Indonesian citizen, either through:

  • Naturalization for foreigners who have resided in Indonesia for a long term or

  • Naturalization for a foreign spouse of an Indonesian citizen.

The 5 (five) consecutive years as indicated are calculated from the time they obtain a limited or permanent residence permit (KITAS/KITAP) up to a period of 5 (five) years never leaving the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and never returning.

Meanwhile, the 10 (ten) non-consecutive years are calculated from the time that a foreigner obtains a limited or permanent residence permit (KITAS/KITAP) until he leaves the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and does not return, which is done repeatedly until the total period of his stay is 10 (ten) years.

SKIM is given to foreigners for the process of applying for citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

Who needs to obtain the SKIM?

SKIM is required by foreigners for the naturalization process to become Indonesian citizens.

However, there are only 2 (two) types of naturalization process that require SKIM:

  1. Naturalization for foreigners who have resided in Indonesia for a long term; and

  2. Naturalization for a foreign spouse of an Indonesian citizen.

Comprehensive guide to get Immigration Certificate
Comprehensive guide to get Immigration Certificate (SKIM) *(image

How to Apply for the SKIM in Indonesia?

To apply for the SKIM in Indonesia, the foreigner could follow the following procedures:

  1. SKIM is requested by the foreigner's Sponsor (Penjamin) in Indonesia at the immigration office which has jurisdiction over the said foreigner's registered domicile or the immigration office which issued the foreigner's KITAP (Please note that the recent immigration regulation indicates that SKIM can now be requested online through the official site of the Directorate General Immigration. However, as of the date this article is written, such process seems to have not yet been implemented.)

  2. Prepare the required documents for SKIM (which will be listed below).

  3. Once the documents are complete, bring all the documents (and their original as applicable) to the relevant immigration office. Original documents are only to be shown to immigration officials.

  4. Filled up the required form at the immigration office.

  5. Pay the official immigration fee for SKIM, i.e. IDR 3,000.000.

What documents are required to obtain the SKIM?

SKIM for Long-Term Residence Foreigners

SKIM for the Naturalization Process for Long-Term Residence Foreigners in general requires the following documents:

  1. The SKIM form (to be filled out at the relevant immigration office).

  2. Application letter from the Sponsor.

  3. A passport that will still be valid for at least another 2 (two) years.

  4. Valid permanent residence permit which will still be valid for at least 1 (one) year.

  5. Certificate of having a fixed income or work from the sub-district that has jurisdiction over the applicant's residence (except for foreign workers, investors, and clergy).

  6. Recommendations from relevant agencies (only for foreign workers, investors, and clergy).

  7. Taxpayer identification number (NPWP).

  8. A recent color photograph with a white background; and

  9. Power of attorney if the application is represented.

SKIM for Spouse of Indonesian Citizen

Meanwhile, SKIM for the Naturalization Process for the Spouse of Indonesian Citizen in general requires the following documents:

  1. The SKIM form (to be filled out at the relevant immigration office).

  2. Application letter from the Sponsor.

  3. A valid national passport that is still valid for at least another 2 (two) years.

  4. A valid limited stay permit (KITAS) or permanent stay permit (KITAP) that will valid for at leas another 9 (nine) months with an Indonesian citizen wife or husband as the Sponsor.

  5. A valid marriage certificate/marriage book (akte perkawinan/buku nikah) or proof of marriage reporting for marriages that are conducted overseas that proves the age of marriage is at least 2 (two) years.

  6. A statement that he/she is still registered as a legal spouse at the authorized agency.

  7. A statement letter of absolute responsibility stating that the applicant is still in the marriage, signed by the applicant, the Sponsor, and 2 (two) witnesses;

  8. a recent color photograph with a white background.

  9. Power of attorney if the application is authorized.

In addition to the above document requirements, it is also mandatory for all of SKIM's applicants to:

  1. have resided in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for a period of at least 5 (five) consecutive years or 10 (ten) non-consecutive years;

  2. not be listed in the immigration blacklist (daftar cekal);

  3. have never been subjected to immigration administrative action in the form of deportation;

  4. currently not have a valid SKIM; and

  5. not being in the process of naturalization or the process of submitting a statement of becoming an Indonesian citizen.

How long does it take for the immigration authority to issue the SKIM?

In our experience, the relevant immigration normally can take 7-14 working days to issue the SKIM after the required documents have been completely submitted. Please note that this timeline can be shorter or longer depending on the workload of the relevant immigration office.

Can SKIM be extended or renewed?

Yes, SKIM can be extended or renewed by submitting the required documents and application to the Indonesian immigration authorities before the document expires.

What are the reasons for SKIM to be invalid or expired?

The SKIM can be invalid or expired if:

  1. the SKIM was not utilized within 6 (six) months after its issuance;

  2. the foreigner does not extend his or her residence permit;

  3. the foreigner receives a legal and binding divorce court decision (for a foreigner who is in the naturalization process as a spouse of an Indonesian citizen or a foreigner whose naturalization process is based on the KITAP from family reunification);

  4. the Indonesian spouse of the foreigner who is in the naturalization process as a foreign spouse of an Indonesian citizen dies; or

  5. the foreigners are subject to an immigration administrative action (such as deportation).

How can Tampubolon Legal Solutions help you?

At Tampubolon Legal Solutions, our team of Indonesian lawyers provides a complete legal solution for foreigners who wish to obtain Indonesian citizenship. Our lawyers are experienced in guiding our clients through the naturalization process by providing complete step-by-step guidance to prepare the documents required to obtain Indonesian citizenship, including SKIM and Indonesian Police Clearance Certificate (SKCK).

We are committed to simplifying the arduous task of obtaining Indonesian citizenship. Our experienced professionals will be with you throughout the entire process, helping you navigate through the often-challenging Indonesian bureaucracy.

We look forward to helping you achieve your Indonesian citizenship goals.


END NOTE: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion. Specific cases require specific advice, and the content provided herein may not be applicable in all situations. Legal regulations and interpretations can vary widely and may change over time, necessitating consultation with legal experts. If you require specific legal advice or guidance, please contact a qualified legal professional. It is crucial to consult with legal experts before applying the information in this article to ensure compliance with current legal standards and requirements.

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Indonesian Immigration Certificate


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