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We offer easy solution for answering simple legal queries that does not require any document review.

This is beneficial for clients as it saves time while still providing them with the legal guidance they need.

With this service, clients can have peace of mind knowing that their legal questions are being answered accurately and efficiently.

To have your legal question answered today, please fill out the form below:


Formulate your questions:

When submitting a form, it's important to provide clear and concise questions. To help us better understand your needs, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Determine the subject of your question, for example: "marriage law".

  2. Include any relevant context to better explain your question in the 'Background of the Question' section.

  3. You may ask up to 2 separate questions. Each submission should contain a single, focused question. For example, you can ask, 'How can I get married in Indonesia?' However, combining two inquiries into one, such as 'How can I get married in Indonesia, and how long does the procedure take?' is not permitted, as it counts as two questions.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can offer you the most accurate and helpful assistance.


  1. We charge a flat rate of IDR 1,000,000 (one million Rupiah) or €60 (sixty euros) (after taxes) for each form submitted. 

  2. The rate is applicable for a maximum of 2 (two) legal questions.

  3. A refund is not possible once the form has been submitted and payment has been accepted.

  4. We strive to provide satisfactory answers to your legal questions in a single response. However, should your query require further clarification or lead to additional questions, please be advised that each new or follow-up question is considered a separate inquiry and will require a new submission along with the corresponding payment.

About the Response:

  1. We are committed to delivering reliable and precise legal guidance. Our guarantee assures you of the accuracy of the legal advice provided, contingent upon the completeness and accuracy of the information you supply.

  2. The response time frame is guaranteed within 24-48 hours.

  3. Please note that the service is meant for simple legal queries and is not a substitute for in-person legal consultation for complex issues requiring document review or detailed analysis.

  4. The language of the response will be as specified by the client in the form. Should the language is not specified, our standard response will be in English.


  1. We prioritize your privacy and the security of your personal and legal information above all else. Rest assured, comprehensive security measures are rigorously implemented to safeguard all information submitted through our service.

  2. All client communications are treated with the utmost confidentiality and protection, reinforcing our unwavering dedication to your privacy. This commitment ensures that your trust in us is well-placed, as protecting your information is our top priority.


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